How Women can Find a JOB ?????

  • Writing Your Resume

 Starting a career in computer science isn’t as easy as graduating and showing up to a job interview. While new grads can expect a friendly job market, a candidate’s competitive edge comes from specific expertise in a particular branch of computer science. With that in mind, consider these three points when you’re searching for a position in the field.

Before You Apply....

Identifying potential career paths can help you develop an appropriate marketing strategy for your skills. When you know your preferred career trajectory, it becomes easier to organize how you present your abilities.


How to write a perfect Resume 

Contact information.

Select one email address and one phone number to include on your resume. And setting up an email address that’s dedicated to your job-search activities and using your cell phone number on your resume, as this gives you the ability to control the voicemail message, who answers the phone, and when.

Online presence.

 Save them some time by including the URL to your LinkedIn profile.
In addition to your LinkedIn account, the perfect resume should include any links that are relevant to your work, such as a personal website, portfolio, or blog. If your work involves social media, you may include the links to other social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, and so forth.

Sample job descriptions

When you're writing the perfect resume, it should be tailored to support a specific job goal.
Search online and gather a few job postings that represent the type of position you’re targeting.
Copy and paste the text of the description itself into a Word or Google document and then highlight or bold any requirements or desirable skills from the posting you possess.

Technical skills and proficiency

 Be specific and as comprehensive as possible. This list can include anything from social media platforms to project management systems and computer languages. If you’ve worked with proprietary platforms, list those as well.

Your professional experience.

Start with your most recent job and work your way backward. The perfect resume should detail out all your professional positions within the past 15 years.  If you recently graduated from college, include your internships and any work experience that took place since you entered college.
For each role, list the following information:
  • Company Name and URL
  • Job Title
  • Start and End Dates
  • Job Description
  • Achievements
If you have an existing resume, only include new details in this section. There’s no reason to repeat anything that already appears in your current resume.

Early career history

 Before you get started writing the perfect resume, make a list of the job titles you held, the names of each employer, the locations where you worked, and your dates of employment for these roles. While the dates will likely not get used in your resume, it’s good to have a clear record of your earlier experiences for the writer.

Volunteer work

Please list any volunteer work you’ve done that’s relevant to your current job goals in chronological order, beginning with your most recent work. If you’re new to the workforce, include any campus activities or clubs in which you were active.

Professional affiliations

List any relevant professional organizations or affiliations you’re a member of that aren’t listed on your resume. For each group, please list its name and URL, when you became a member, and what positions you held. If you took an active role in the organization, describe your responsibilities and any notable achievements.

Language skills

Language skills can be a great selling point on your resume. If you’re multilingual, be sure to list each language you speak and your proficiency level.

Education and professional development

Create a record of all your education, beginning with your most recent degree. List the institution, its location, the name of your degree, your major and minor, your graduation year, and any honors associated with the degree.Do the same for any relevant certifications you’ve obtained or additional training opportunities or workshops you’ve attended.





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